People who aren’t familiar with Naturopathic Medicine have all kinds of different impressions about it’s philosophy and practice.  After the 2nd World War and into the 1950’s, conventional Western Medicine began deeming Naturopathic Medicine as “quackery.”  Heck, even my well-intended younger cousin would tell her friends that I was studying to be a “Witch Doctor” when I was back in school.  Most recently I’ve heard conventional medicine representatives refer to naturopathic herbs as “dodgy.”  This video discusses the myth that Naturopathic Medicine is Nothing More than “Hippy Dippy” Medicine.  Of course, I’m going to tell you the contrary!  Please watch below.

Note:  These videos were done as part of Naturopathic Medicine Week.  It is a week designated to helping educate other health care providers and the public about what we do and who we are as licensed Naturopathic Doctors.